Friday, July 26, 2013

The Blessing of Pain

Pain is referred to as a feeling or a sensation of hurt. This can manifest itself in the forms of our physical well-being and also our mental condition. Generally, neither human nor animal enjoys the feeling of pain, however, what we see within the pages of Scripture is that God actually created this sense for our good. Though we may not like it nor appreciate it at times, He intended us to benefit from this.

The book of Genesis outlines for us the origin of all things. In fact, the very first chapter records for us where everything came from. However, I want to challenge you by asking, would you believe me if I told you that God made us with the capability to feel pain on day six of creation?

For many of us, our natural instinct is to think of pain as being a result of our sin. This, however, is not the case. The only thing sin did was demoralize our hearts in how we respond to pain in our lives.

Genesis 3:16 says, "To the woman He said, 'I will greatly multiply your pain...'"

Did God say to the woman that He would create pain for her? No! He specifically said He would "greatly multiply" the pain that was already there. Notice these are God's words immediately following the fall of man, thus there had to be pain before sin ever entered the world.

Imagine Adam and Eve in the garden before corruption took over. If one of them were to step on a rock or stub their toe, it would have hurt. Obviously, because of the verse reference above, bearing children did cause at least a small amount of pain for the woman.

For us, a common misconception is to have a false thinking that Adam and Eve had perfect bodies in the garden. They were not perfect; they were innocent. Their bodies did not decay, but they were not immune to pain.

Pain is good in that it:
  1. Reveals what is in our hearts.
  2. Can warn us of danger.
  3. Gives us opportunity to trust God.
  4. Loosens our grip on this life.
  5. Reminds us that God's comfort is greater than our suffering.

Pain is a gift from God, but was multiplied as a curse from God. Sin does not cause pain. Sin causes death!

Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death..."

Closing Remarks: There will be no pain for the child of God in eternity. We will be in a much better position than Adam and Eve ever dreamed of, thus our bodies will be absolutely perfect in every way. Nevertheless, there will still be variations of strengths and weaknesses and gifts and talents among us.

When pain and suffering come your way, count it all joy! Give thanks and praise to God your Father knowing that this is His will for you in Christ Jesus.

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