Monday, July 8, 2013


What does independence mean? It means, “Not subject to or controlled by others: self-governing; and/or not requiring or relying on someone or something else.” The question that we must really be asking ourselves is not what independence means, but is this a Biblical idea? Should this term represent our lives as believers’ in Christ?

Many of us can find ourselves becoming very political at times. We can be passionate about what we believe, but Biblically speaking we never have the right to worry about gun-control; none of us have the responsibility to fix our government; we are never to take hold of an opportunity to disrespect our government officials; seceding from the government is not our calling. The list goes on and on.

Physical maturity and spiritual maturity both follow the Biblical account of being under authority and trusting the Lord every step of the way through it all. Spiritual maturity is not coming to independence, but it is in fact coming to complete dependence upon God. In actual terms it is our sin nature that wants to be and craves to be independent and in control, yet the mature individual will recognize his need for other people and acknowledge humbly that this world would be absolute chaos if he was in control.

Worrying about gun-control, sex slavery, gay marriage, etc. sweeping across this nation is sin from top to bottom because the Biblical definition of worry is distrust in God.

Taking the first step to maturity involves us coming to God and recognizing that we live in a fallen world. Every person in this world is corrupt which means that every person within our government is also corrupt. We as Christians are not to be of the world, but you cannot escape being in the world. You cannot expect a lost individual do the right thing because for them it is impossible to do anything other than the wrong thing.

1 Peter 2:17 "Honor all people..." Notice that God doesn't separate anybody. Whether saved or unsaved we as Christians are to honor all people, even those in authority over us in our government. Respect them and pray for them and trust in God.

Romans 13:1 "Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God." Read that passage again. We are all to be under authority. We are all also to recognize that the United States Government has been established and set in place by God. If you oppose the government, you oppose God Himself and in your heart you become the fool by declaring that God doesn't know what He is doing.

On July 4th, we celebrated our independence from England. I am not saying that seceding from England was wrong, but I am also not saying that it was the right thing to do either. When Paul the apostle wrote Romans chapter 13 he was under the reign of Emperor Nero, which was probably one of the worst emperors in terms of murdering Christians that has ever lived on this earth. Yet even in this time of great trial and testing from the Roman government, Paul inspired by God told us to respect and honor our authorities.

He also told us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." In our prayers and everyday speaking, how many times do we simply give thanks for the government that God has given to us? I am in no way saying that we have to support everything they do, but so many times all that I hear is complaining and grumbling towards the men and women in authority over us who are made in God's image just as we are and who also were placed in that position by God Himself.

And finally I just want to say that we are truly and incredibly and overwhelmingly blessed to have the government that we do. We here in America have more freedoms and privileges than we know what to do with. There are billions of people in this world who are under bondage and slavery to their government everyday of their lives and if they had the opportunity you have, I can almost guarantee that they would live a thankful and grateful life.
We need to stop taking everything for granted!

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