Friday, July 1, 2016

Christ's Return in 25 Years! Maybe?

Did you know that according to the Biblical timeline, the age of the earth is around 5,975 years old. To find this date all you need to do is count backwards from the exodus which occurred in 1446 B.C. (according to archeology and Biblical deduction). By using the genealogies and other important events throughout the book of Genesis you will come to an approximate date for the creation of the world in 3959 B.C.

3959 + 2016 = 5975 (five thousand nine hundred and seventy-five) years.

This means that we have about 25 years until the earth reaches its sixth millennium. That's a quarter of a century and it's in our lifetime!

So what's my point?

Well, wouldn't it be cool if God set up the creation time clock in thousand year increments? I promise I am not making any predictions about when Jesus is coming back. All I am aiming to accomplish in this blog is to present an intriguing possibility.

We know that everything that God does has a purpose and a meaning behind it. He never just does things. He is not random. He is intentional and orderly.

God outlined for His people a six day work week and then commanded them to rest on the seventh day which He referred to as the Sabbath. Now this Sabbath day, I believe, is a picture of the thousand year rest Christ will bring when He comes to restore this fallen world.

This will take place during the millennium when Christ is ruling and reigning over this earth. For one thousand years He will sit on the throne in Jerusalem and rule the nations with peace and justice. After this time He will wipe away sin once and for all and create a new heavens and a new earth.

I understand that it is a simile, but 2 Peter 3:8 says that "with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." This verse is also in context with the coming of the Lord in the last days.

Again, I am not making any predictions. But wouldn't it be awesome if Christ returned at some point within the next 25 years? If this were the case, then we would subtract 7 years from that time so that we could add in the 7 year tribulation. Thus, He would potentially come back at some point in the next 18 years.

We all know that this world is getting worse every day. And we should all be aware that last day prophecies are being fulfilled left and right and setting up the stage for His return. It is possible that Christ could wait another 60 years or 600 years, but are we ready right now if He decided to come today? Would He find us faithful? What if we lived like the apostles did and were so convinced that the Master is returning in our lifetime? How would that change the way we live and interact with people? Food for thought.

For those still hungry, click the articles I wrote below for more information on how I came to this theory.
  1. Genesis Genealogy: Adam - Joseph
  2. Exodus Genealogy: Levi - Moses
  3. Biblical Chronology: Creation - the Exodus

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