Thursday, July 21, 2016

Already Gone - Book Review

Do you ever fear for the spiritual state of the next generation? Do you cringe at the fact that modesty has lost almost all meaning? Does it concern you that morality is being removed from our culture?

The fact of the matter is that people are leaving the Church in droves. Whether old or young, wealthy or poor, it's just not working for people anymore.

Why is this happening?

One of the biggest reasons for why my generation specifically is leaving the church today is because many of our parents and church leaders have not recognized the need for a strong defense against the skeptics.

Not only are we as the Church failing to defend the foundation of God's Word, but we have also failed in being the offenders. God has given us provision for the strongest defense and the strongest offense, yet we have forsaken both.

When our children come and ask us a question we don't have the answer to, many of us simply tell them to Google it. This drives them to other sources. Sources that are wrong and ones that are intentionally lying to them [our children]. How can we be okay with this?

First Peter 3:15 says, "...always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you..." Do we not have answers!? God's Word alone can silence the skeptics and that's not even to mention all of the science, history, arts and mathematics which support it! We have a plethora of answers at our disposal, but my fear is that the reason why many of us do not have answers to these questions is because we don't know our Bibles. The implication being that we really don't know our God.

Just as Satan got Eve to question the Word of God so too has he done the exact same thing to us and we have fallen right into his trap. As a believer in Christ it is your responsibility to study. Knowing God's Word and how to defend it when under attack is your duty as a Christian. If we refuse to do our job, then we will remain as babes on infant formula. If we are but babes, then what chance is there for the next generation to mature?

On page fifty-one Ken Ham writes, "Our father, as the spiritual head of the house, stood uncompromisingly on the Word of God, determined to be equipped to answer the skeptical questions of the age, setting an example for his children that prepared us for the ministries we are involved in today."
Where are the men and women who are willing to search the Scriptures more than their news feed on Facebook? Christianity is not a blind faith. It is real and every aspect of life proves it. Do we really believe that God's Word is truth? If we say yes, then how is that affecting our lives? What about the lives of our children?

The research given in this book shows that by the time our kids are ready for college it's already too late. Many of our children are already gone by middle school and high school. They may still be sitting in the pew for now, but as soon as they are on their own they will leave for good. Check out the book to see how we can combat this and set them on fire for the Gospel again!

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