Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Eve of Motherhood

Many questions have sprung up concerning this woman. What was she like? Was she smart and pretty? Was she strong and beautiful? Was she the only woman in the Garden of Eden with her husband? This is what the text says:

“The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.”

Genesis 3:20

Does that satisfy your curiosity? Yeah, I didn’t think so. Nevertheless, though very little is known about her, both she and her husband are prominent figures in the course of human history. The reason things are bad today is because of an action that was taken by this first couple.

Indications of Being the Mother of All

However, though this verse is short, there is much we can learn from it. For starters, we must remember that Moses is writing this book over 2,500 years after Creation. This passage states that Eve is “…the mother of all the living [i.e. all people].”

As Moses walked through the camp of Israel, looked back at the Egyptian army and looked ahead toward all the nations the Jews would encounter, he understood that they all shared a common ancestor. Whether or not we choose to believe and accept it, all of our genealogies link up at some point in history. We are all interconnected and racially similar.

Likewise, no matter who you run into today, the main point of Genesis 3:20 is that Eve is ultimately their mother. Why? Because that is what God’s Word states. Therefore, how do you treat your brothers and sisters? Do you honor them and seek to build them up or do you mock and ridicule them?

Implications of Being the Mother of All

Although we do not have answers to all of our questions, the verse does offer subtle insights such as:

1.    The First Lady – every person alive today came from her. Some people think that there was another woman in the garden with Adam, but that argument falls apart for two reasons:

a.      There is no Biblical support.

b.     Eve is stated in Genesis 3:20 to be the mother of all the living. Thus, no one, apart from Adam, exists apart from her. Adam is the only exception since he was made first and she came from him.

2.     Her Beauty – given the fact that there have been probably around a hundred billion people born in this world, I would say that Adam thought Eve was quite breathtaking (if you catch my meaning).

3.      Cain’s Wife – whoever she was, she was ultimately a daughter of Eve.

4.    Nephilim – whoever they were, they were sons of Eve which debunks the theory that they were merely fallen angels with human-like appearances.


Eve is the mother of all people from all nations and all times. There is no person alive today that did not spring from the ancestry of Adam and Eve. Think about that as you interact with other people who, like you, blossom from the same tree.

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