Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Day 6 of Revelation Study: Pergamum

And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: “The words of Him who has the sharp two-edged sword.”
Revelation 2:12

An Example of Faith

The church we looked at yesterday was informed that intense persecution was on its way and they were exhorted to remain faithful even unto death. As John now moves into writing the letter to Pergamum, he tells them of Christ’s commendation for holding fast to His name and not denying the faith. In other words, they received the “well done, good and faithful servant” praise that we all desire to hear one day.

The text says that one of their own members, Antipas, was killed for his faith. Can you imagine the fear and trepidation they must have felt? Yet, Christ spoke directly to them by both acknowledging their hurt and praising them for their sincere devotion. These men and women were indeed willing to die for their faith and, since this whole book was sent to all seven churches, they would have been seen as a confidence-building example for the church in Smyrna who was about to suffer a somewhat similar attack.

A Series of Sin

Nevertheless, there were some issues going on within the church walls that needed to be addressed. False teaching had crept into the church and had begun leading some of the believers into sexual immorality and various forms of idolatry. Though they are the people of God, they dwell in an ungodly world. Jesus refers to this world as Satan’s kingdom in which he has set up and established his throne in 2:13 (cf. Matt. 4:8-9; 2 Cor. 4:4).

Within this passage, Jesus demands obedience. He tells them that if the instigators do not repent of their repeated acts of sin and intentional endeavor to lead others astray, then He will come with His sharp sword and war against these people. This is the same sword that Jesus will use in the battle of Armageddon to destroy all of His enemies who dare stand against Him (19:15-21). This is a side of Jesus that many in the Church today try to ignore, but if we are to have an appropriate view of our Conquering King then we must see Him in light of the fullness of His Word. Remember, this is Jesus’ revelation of Himself.

·         The Church in Pergamum (2:12-17)

  • They were praised for keeping the faith during physical persecution.
  • They were rebuked for being stumbling blocks to the Jews by leading them to sin and for allowing false teaching to remain in their midst.
  • They were commanded to repent.
  • They were informed of future glory for those who conquered (persevered).

An Eternal Reward

He tells this church that those who conquer will receive a white stone with a new name and gain full access to eat of the hidden manna. The white stone is a purely clean slate on our behalf. Although many people do not like nametags, we will each receive one that will be completely our own. Out of billions of individuals, no two names will be the same. When God calls your name, you will be the only head to turn to see the voice that called you.

The hidden manna is referring to Israel’s wandering in the wilderness. Every day for forty years, God provided manna (Ex. 16) for the people of Israel. A certain measure of the first batch of manna was placed into a jar (Ex. 16:31-36) which was then placed into the ark of the covenant (Heb. 9:4) along with the ten commandments and Aaron’s staff. The purpose of saving it was to be a reminder of God’s provision throughout the generations to come.

Many archaeologists throughout the centuries have devoted their entire lives to finding the ark of the covenant since it has been supposedly lost for at least two thousand years. I say supposedly because the Bible records the ark as currently being located in the temple in Heaven (Rev. 11:19). The significance of gaining access to and being given some of this hidden manna is that we will enjoy the honor and privilege of walking freely into the Most Holy Place of the temple and partaking of God’s faithful provision forever and ever.

Continue on to read about the church in Thyatira.

*Click here to read the purpose of this blog series.

1 comment:

  1. "Out of billions of individuals, no two names will be the same. When God calls your name, you will be the only head to turn to see the voice that called you." I had never thought of this! How wonderful!!!
