Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 31 of Revelation Study: Why Study It?

If this book is as complicated as scholars make it seem, then why should we even study it? To some, this is a strange question to ask but, to others, this is all too common. It is a question posed by sincere Bible-believing Christians who have read the book and have heard the bickering and, in all seriousness, are at a loss for what to do with it.

However, if this is you then I would like to encourage you to remember these key points:

1.      It is truth. No matter how difficult it may be to understand, it is God’s Word and we should enjoy getting to know Him in how He has chosen to reveal Himself.

2.    It is understandable. Though some will disagree with me, I fully believe that this book can be clearly understood. Do I believe that we can know every single detail? Of course not, but since this is God’s Word [the words of the Greatest Communicator] I wholeheartedly believe that God has clearly communicated the time and events of our Lord’s revealing.

3.      It is blessed. This is the only book in the entire Bible that offers a blessing to the one who reads it (cf. 1:3). Therefore, why would we avoid gaining an easy blessing?

Yes, this book is difficult to grasp, but isn’t God’s Word worth the time and effort spent in seeking to gain a better understanding? After all, this book clearly outlines our eternity. Don’t you want to know God’s agenda?

*Click here to read the purpose of this blog series.

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