Monday, July 2, 2018

Eschatological Discipleship: Book Review

A special thanks to B&H/LifeWay for sending me a complimentary copy of Trevin K. Wax’s book, Eschatological Discipleship.

In Trevin Wax’s new book, Eschatological Discipleship, he seeks to lead his Christian readers into a deeper understanding of both their historical and cultural context by suggesting that believers should continually be incorporating the question “What time is it?” into their daily lives. The overall emphasis is not as much a study of end-times as it is a matter of being equipped to wisely discern the day and age in which we live. The author states that “As we fulfill the call to be transformed, not conformed to this world that is passing away, we must learn to discern our times properly in order to have a missionary encounter that shines light on the true eschatology of the Gospel that proclaims Jesus Christ as the hope of the world.”[1]

Within this book the author endeavors to walk through a Biblical understanding of discipleship and to show how that model can look right here and now in the Church of the twenty-first century. Wax goes up against some of the Church’s biggest cultural combatants such as the enlightenment, the sexual revolution and consumerism. His reason for bringing these three specific ideals to light is to not only to reveal how ingrained they are in us as individuals but to also help us know how to stand up against these rival worldviews. The goal of discipleship is not to keep up with the latest fad but to become more like Christ. Trevin will help you reclaim this goal.

[1] Trevin Wax, Eschatological Discipleship: Leading Believers to Understand Their Historical and Cultural Context (B & H Academic, 2018).

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