Monday, August 15, 2016

Is the Bible Just a Bunch of Rules?

Have you ever talked with someone about the Lord and come face to face with the argument that the Bible is just a big book of do's and don'ts? A rule book? Nothing more than one thousand forty-two pages of laws man must follow?

The way you answer questions like these will determine whether the unbeliever will gain or lose respect for your faith. It comes down to moments like this when, based upon your response, they will decide whether or not to listen.

Telling them that Christianity is not about rules but a relationship is good, but leaving it there simply won't satisfy.

When somebody complains or makes excuses for the ten commandments, ask them this question:

"What is wrong with God's laws?"

The goal is to make them think about what they are saying because often times people dismiss the Bible for what it's not. Too many people in this world hate God's Word for what it isn't. The Bible does not offer a list of strict rules. It offers life!

When I was young I used to think exactly the same way as many of my contemporaries. I used to believe that God's Word was filled with so many rigorous rules and regulations; that God was a kill-joy and that He was keeping me from something else -- something good.

I would read of the Psalmist praising God all of the time for His laws and even passages where he asked for more and I thought he was crazy. Who wants an even greater list of rules? Then I realized that God is not keeping me from anything good. He is the source of all that is good. The purpose of God's laws are to keep me from that which is evil and will ultimately ruin my life.

I began seeing that His laws are not a burden which I must suffer, but that they are actually for my benefit and well-being.
Make sure to check out the two minute video below to go deeper into this subject.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Cameron. I like your clear & straightforward teaching.
