Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Camouflaged Christian

How many of us when we first became a Christian knew that we were signing up for war? For I do not want you to be unaware Christian, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." - Ephesians 6:12

We read about wars in our history books all of the time, but none of them can compare to the war that we are fighting. In this war we do not only face what is seen, but more so we fight that which is unseen.

Will we succeed?

Yes, but why will we triumph?

Because Christ Has already attained victory on our behalf! Now He calls each one of us to never surrender but instead commands us to stand firm (vs. 11). This "standing firm" is a military stance. It shows us that we already hold the strategic ground.

This is not some unanswerable question like "what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?" I am here to inform you right now that if you are in Christ, then you are a new creation of unstoppable and immovable proportions and you are to always have an expectation of victory because you are not in this fight alone, but the God who made all things out of nothing is silencing the enemy on your behalf.

The world is against us, but the world is only a pawn in the hand of Satan. They can do nothing outside of God's allowance, but the only thing they crave for is what their master, the Devil, has given them to do because he has put wickedness in the hearts of men.

As Christians we are the light of the world. It is through us that God is bringing hope to the nations, yet so often we are camouflaging ourselves so that the world cannot see us for who we really are. Why are we not taking up the full armor of God? Why are we not exercising our full potential?

The main character on the new show "Duck Dynasty" recently made some anatomical logicality's and Biblically sound statements concerning homosexuality. The network that films the show suspended this man from having anything to do with the TV series. However, when faced with mass disagreement for their unwise choice, they caved and restored him to his rightful place because most of their audience believes that homosexuality is wrong.

A&E may have brought Phil Robertson back on the big screen, but a day is coming when not only will they refuse to give in, but our government will be actively involved in leading and ordering the mass persecution and death sentence of all who profess the name of Jesus Christ. That day is not far from this day. In the days ahead we will begin to see our brothers and sisters rot away in a prison cell for standing for what is right.

Will we stand firm in that day? Will we "take off the camo and put on the armor?" As Pastor Jim Creath from Compass Ministries put it this morning in his sermon at church. I dare say that we must start now or we will never start. If we do not speak up and do something now, then before we know it we will have lost all of our freedom in this nation.

Pastor Jim Creath showed us this acronym for the word C.A.M.O as he opened up God's Word for us:

C - Christians (followers of Christ, little Christs)
A - Among
M - Men
O - Openly

He finished with one last statement as he shared the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. He said, "We say this all of the time that 'God hates the sin, but loves the sinner.' To a point this is true, but who will go to hell? The sin or the sinner? The answer is the sinner!"

If we want to be used by God to win souls for Christ, then we must put on and keep on His full armor that He has given to us. Jesus said that the world will hate those who are not its own. We cannot change that, but we must remember that though Christians and non-Christians are not on the same side, we do have the same enemy and he is actively seeking to destroy us. Do not give him opportunity, but shine where God has planted you!

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